Join this webinar to learn the tools available to you in etfile like annotations, Redactions, Bookmarks, Thumbnails and Content list view, among others. Each one of these tools does something different and in this session you will learn how these tools can make your job easier.
For Agency Owners, Operations Managers, Administrators and Users:
etfile now has an activity system built in. In this session we show you how you can keep track of tasks that have been done related to a customer of document and tasks that are still due in the future. Working on your own tasks or working as a group the diary system helps you make sure that tasks don’t go undone. Find out how this tool can improve your efficiency and reduce E&O issues by joining this webinar.
For Agency Owners, Operations Managers, Administrators, Users and IT:
Part 1: What the Heck Should We Be Doing? (1 hour)
Time and again we see that entering workflows into etfile’s Business Process Manager is the easy part. Knowing what your workflows should be continues to be the hardest challenge for many agencies.
In this workshop you will be introduced to proven methods for creating workflows that work for you…carrying you towards your goals, instead of away from them.
Part 2: How Do We Automate & Track the Workflow? (1 hour)
Now that you’ve learned how to design the workflows that you need, learn how to use etfile’s Workflow Designer and Business Process Manager to automate, implement and track your workflows. See the tools in action, finally allowing you to make consistency a reality and enjoy the transparency of knowing exactly what is happening in your agency. You’ll see samples including the integration with several leading management systems.
In this webinar we discussed the collaboration workspace including how it allows you to:
Break documents apart, re-arrange them, and delete pages and/or combine multiple documents or pages together in new combinations in your own private environment.
Perform the same actions in a shared environment to more effectively work as a team.
Create unique collaborative spaces (effectively using them).
Annotate documents or use the etform typer to permanently add text and omnipresent abilities of emailing, faxing, printing and saving back to the file room or inbox.
With collaboration workspace you can work with others and have access to documents in a shared environment.
In this session we will cover how to create a new cabinet when needed, including any security that may need to be applied. We will also cover cloning cabinets for those who want to have folder structure copied when creating new cabinets.
Have you ever lost your etfile integration toolbar and do not know how to get it back? Have you received messages to contact support when trying to use your integration toolbar? Learn easy solutions to help yourself correct common problems in etfile.
Do you know how to use the new and existing annotation tools? Do you know how to use the form typer? Plan to attend this class as a new or existing user to make sure you are getting the most out of all of the great etfile features!
Are you proficient with all the methods of searching available in etfile? Chances are you know how to do a customer level search or an activity or policy level search, but do you know how to do a folder, document name or keyword search? In this session on all things searching we will cover all facets of the search dialogues in etfile and how you can get the information you need by doing different specific searches.
Learn how to use the analytics tool to create reports, report templates, view documents that users have in their inbox and much more! Gain business intelligence about the front end scanning process. We will also review auditing that is specific to the Business Process Manager.